

Design of S-OGSA-Based Semantic Grid Service Resource
摘要 在当前语义网格应用中,设计语义网格组件和应用需要有一个标准的参考模型或系统性的框架。讨论了基于语义开放网格服务框架(S-OGSA)的语义网格服务资源的设计。介绍了OntoGrid项目组提出的S-OGSA语义网格参考模型;论述了S-OGSA模型的体系结构及核心服务:语义产生服务、语义绑定服务、语义感知的网格服务。结合具体步骤,给出了利用Globus Toolkits4平台设计具有良好可伸缩性的语义绑定服务资源的过程,为开发语义网格应用和语义组件提供借鉴和参考。 At present, it needs a reference architecture or any kind of systematic framework for designing semantic grid components or applications. Focuses on the design of S-OGSA - based gird service resource. It introduces a reference architecture of semantic grid, namely semantic- open grid service architecture(S-OGSA), which proposed by OntoGrid project. The points relate S-OGSA's model, the mechanisms and the core of its capabilities: semantic provisioning service, semantic binding service and semantic awared grid service. Through the concrete step, it provides the process that constructs the septic binding service- resource of the good flexible function based on the Globus Toolkits 4 platform. This approach provides a reference to others in developing semantic grid application and semantic components.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2009年第2期116-119,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金(60574028) 安徽省自然科学基金(070412058) 安徽高校省级自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2007A046)
关键词 语义网格 S—OGSA 元数据 语义绑定服务 网格服务 semantic grid S-OGSA metadata semantic binding service grid service
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