
从新民主主义到中国特色社会主义——新民主主义理论的历史命运及其现实启示 被引量:6

From New Democracy to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: The Historical Destiny and Realistic Enlightenment of New Democratic Theory
摘要 毛泽东的新民主主义理论包括"新民主主义革命论"和"新民主主义社会论"两个密切不可分的组成部分。"新民主主义革命论"回答了俄国十月革命后,半殖民地半封建社会的东方国家应该怎样进行革命、如何进行革命的一系列问题,发展了马克思列宁主义关于无产阶级在民主革命中的领导权的思想,解决了武装夺取政权的具体形式和策略问题。但从基本内容来说,它并没有超越马恩列斯所阐述过的理论范围。"新民主主义社会论"则是过去马克思主义著作中从来没有涉及的问题,它提出半殖民地半封建社会国家在新民主主义革命胜利之后,可以通过"新民主主义社会"这样一个相对独立的社会形态过渡到社会主义社会,找到了实现革命转变的具体途径,是马克思主义社会发展形态理论的重大创新。"新民主主义社会论"在革命根据地和解放区有过初步的试验,新中国成立后在全国范围内有过成功的实践。然而,从1953年开始,毛泽东改变了他原来正确的思想,转而批判"确立新民主主义社会秩序",匆忙实行了"三大改造",抛弃了"新民主主义社会论",犯了空想社会主义的错误;接着又发动了"大跃进"和人民公社化运动以及"无产阶级文化大革命",使中国社会主义社会发生了严重的扭曲。究其原因,主要是对资本主义和资产阶级在社会主义建设中的作用缺乏正确的认识,误读了列宁的过渡时期理论,其理论支柱是"生产关系决定论"、"上层建筑决定论"和所谓的"不断革命论"。"新民主主义社会论"奇特的历史命运给我们的现实启示:一是必须弄清"社会主义初级阶段"与"新民主主义社会"的关系,充分认识中国特色社会主义实质上是新民主主义的回归和超越;二是要重新认识资本主义和资产阶级与建设社会主义的关系,建立改革开放的话语权;三是要借鉴新民主主义社会建设经验,加强社会的经济、政治、文化、社会建设,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路;四是要进一步解放思想,重新评价毛泽东和毛泽东思想,坚持和发展马克思主义。 Mao Zedong's new-democratic theory includes two important aspects. They are "the theory of new-democratic revolution" and "the theory of new-democratic society". "The theory of new-democratic revolution" answered a series of questions, such as what and how the revolution should be made by the semi-colonial and semifeudal eastern countries after the October Revolution in Russia. It developed Marxism-Leninism about the leadership of the proletariat in the democratic revolution and it also solved the problems of concrete forms and strategy for seizing power by armed force. However, from the basic content, "the theory of new-democratic revolution" did not go beyond the theoretical scope of Marxism-Leninism. "The theory of new-democratic society" was the issue that Marxist works had never been involved in. It pointed out the specific ways for the semi-colonial and semifeudal countries to achieve revolutionary changes after winning the new-democratic revolution. They could transit into a socialist society through adopting a relatively independent social patterns-new democratic society. It was the major innovation of the Marxist theory of social development. "The theory of new-democratic society" was preliminarily tested in the liberated areas and in the revolutionary bases areas, and then it was put into practice successfully across the country after the establishment of the People's Republic of China. However, since 1953, Mao Zedong changed his previously right ideas and turned to criticize the establishment of new-democratic social order. He called out the hasty implementation of three major transformations, gave away "the theory of new-democratic society", made the mistakes of utopian socialism. And then he launched the Great Leap Forward, People's Commune Movement and the Proletarian Culture Revolution, thus seriously distorting Chinese society. The reason was the lack of a correct understanding of the role of capitalism and the bourgeoisie in socialist construction and the misunderstanding of Lenin's theories about transition period. His theoretical pillars were "the determinism of the relations of production", "the determinism of the superstructure" and the socalled "theory of ceaseless revolution". There are four inspirations from the unusual historical fate of "the theory of new-democratic society". Firstly, it is necessary to gain a clear idea of the relationship between "the primary stage of socialism" and "the theory of new-democratic society" and become fully aware of that the socialism with Chinese characteristics virtually is the return and extension of new democracy. Secondly, it is important to reacquaint the role of capitalism and bourgeoisie in socialist construction and establish the speaking right of reform and opening up. Thirdly, it is essential to draw on experience of building a new democratic society, strengthen the socialist economic, political, cultural, and social construction, and unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Fourthly, it is beyond any doubt to further emancipate the mind, re-evaluate Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought, uphold and develop Marxism.
作者 雍涛
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 新民主主义 新民主主义社会 中国特色社会主义 社会主义初级阶段 new democracy new-democratic society socialism with Chinese characteristics primary stage of socialism
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