
全程自养脱氮污泥颗粒化及其脱氮性能的研究 被引量:6

Cultivation and Nitrogen Removal Characteristics of Deammonifition Granules
摘要 利用厌氧颗粒污泥作为种泥,启动SBR反应器,旨在培养全程自养脱氮颗粒污泥以及研究全程自养脱氮过程中污泥理化性质的变化.结果表明,先在厌氧条件下富集厌氧氨氧化微生物,然后在曝入的氮气中添加一定量空气,控制反应器的DO在0.3~0.5mg/L,实现全程自养脱氮颗粒污泥培养是可行的,总氮去除率最高达到75.3%.实验用水中过高的钙盐和磷盐会形成钙盐沉积物,并在污泥中积累,导致污泥中有机组分减少,污泥脱氮性能变差.降低试验用水中Ca盐的投加量,经过驯化,污泥中的有机组分会逐渐增加,污泥脱氮性能逐渐恢复. An SBR reactor seeded with anaerobic granular sludge was started up to enrich deammonifition bacteria and investigate its nitrogen removal characteristics. Research results showed that deammonification granular sludge could be cultivated successfully with firstly enriched ANAMMOX microorganisms in anaerobic condition and then controlled the dissolved oxygen in the SBR reactor between 0.3 and 0.5 mg/L, in which the maximum total nitrogen removal rate reach 75.3 % . When the Ca and P concentrations of the medium exceeded the necessary quantity, salt precipitation was observed and interfered with microbial activity and caused a decrease of the nitrogen removal rate of the reactor system. Salt precipitation was avoided by diminishing adequately the Ca and P concentrations of the medium during the following operation period, and the total nitrogen removal rate restored.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期411-415,共5页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50478054) 国际科技合作重点项目(2004DFA06200) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-04-0770) 长沙市科技计划重点项目(K051132-72)
关键词 全程自养脱氮 亚硝化 厌氧氨氧化 颗粒污泥 deammonifition nitrification ANAMMOX granular sludge
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