
旅游后悔心理的后续行为表现研究 被引量:16

A Study on the Follow-up Behavioral Performance of Tourist Regret
摘要 后悔是全面解释消费者满意度和后续行为意图的重要因素。本文首先梳理了消费者后悔心理的研究成果,并提出了旅游者后悔心理的基本定义和成因。在此基础上,对实证调查资料使用因子分析法总结出旅游后悔心理的后续行为表现为5类:采取相对激烈的对抗行为、通过网络负面宣传、向旅游管理机关投诉、断绝该地旅游并影响亲友和借鉴经历调整心态。单因素方差分析显示:男性较女性更容易"采取相对激烈的对抗行为"、"通过网络负面宣传"及"向旅游管理机关投诉"方式表达自己的旅游后悔心理;个体所学科别的差异对采取这5种行为方式来表达旅游后悔心理没有明显的差异。本研究成果在一定程度上弥补了旅游后悔心理实证研究的不足,为旅游目的地经营者有效疏导旅游后悔心理提供了战略层面的参考。 Regret is an important factor for the all-round explanation on consumers' satisfaction and follow-up behavioral intention. After relating the study results of consumers' regret, the paper puts forward the basic definition and causes of tourist regret. Based on this, the paper, employing the factor analysis from empirical survey data, summarizes five categories of follow-up behavioral performance of tourist regret: namely; relatively fiercely hostile move; negative publicity via network; complaints to tourism authorities; cutting off later travel in this destination along with affecting relatives and friends and mind-adjusting through experience. One-way ANOVA analysis shows: males are more likely to adopt "more fiercely hostile acts" than females ; " negative publicity via network " and "compliants to tourism authorities" to express their regret after travel. In terms of the distinction of the discipline one learns, there is no obvious difference in adopting the above-mentioned five behaviors. The result of this study has, to a certain extent, made up for the insufficiency of the empirical research on tourist regret psychology, providing reference for operators in tourist destinations to guide tourist regret.
作者 白凯
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期36-40,共5页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金"中国典型区域入境旅游流东-西递进空间演化机理研究"(40771058)资助
关键词 旅游后悔心理 后续行为特征 因子分析 方差分析 认知 tourist regret follow-up behavioral performance factor analysis one-way ANOVA analysis cognition
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