
一种面向智能空间定位算法的仿真与性能分析 被引量:1

Simulation and Analysis of Smart Space Oriented Positioning Algorithm
摘要 SSOLA(smart space oriented location awareness scheme)是一种基于MDS(multidimensional scaling,多维定标)的新型定位算法。为了测试算法性能,从定位误差、测量误差、锚节点比例、节点连接度、功耗、可扩展性等方面对SSOLA算法进行仿真实验,并将仿真结果与典型的MDS定位算法——MDS-MAP(P)进行比较和分析,结果表明:SSOLA是一种对测量误差容错能力强、对锚节点依赖小、定位精度高、可扩展性好的快速自身定位算法,可以广泛应用于依靠自身定位的战术互联网、智能战场等大规模无线网络环境中。 SSOLA (smart space oriented location awareness scheme) is a positioning algorithm based on MDS (multidimensional scaling). The performance of SSOLA was researched by comparing it with another famous MDS based algorithm--MDS-MAP(P) at some metrics such as measurement error, anchor node percent, link degree, complexity, scalability, etc. Simulation results show that, compared to MDS-MAP (P), SSOLA is robust on measurement error, and has better performance under conditions of different anchor node percents and link degrees. What's more, SSOLA has also made great improvement on complexity and scalability, and the time cost of SSOLA is only nearly quarter of that of MDS-MAP (P) along with the growing of network. So SSOLA can be used for location of wireless node in smart space applications.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期443-447,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60372042)
关键词 智能空间 定位 移动AD HOC网络 MDS-MAP(P) smart space positioning mobile ad hoc networks MDS-MAP(P)
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