

Study on Fast Calibration of ULA's Gain and Phase Errors
摘要 针对实践中声基阵校准问题,分别研究了远场和近场条件下均匀离散线阵幅相误差快速校准方法。远场时,采用单声源且不需要精确已知声源方位,只需精确水平旋转基阵1次,对接收数据的协方差矩阵进行特征子空间分解,再根据推导的公式可快速计算出幅相误差矩阵。近场时,波阵面为球面,不能采用现有的校准方法,因此提出了一种最多只需精确水平旋转基阵3次,通过转动前后的几何关系建立方程组求解各参量,通过公式可把球面波补偿为平面波,然后采用单辅助源法可快速计算出幅相误差矩阵。仿真实验验证了两种校准方法的有效性,并详细分析了各种因素对幅相误差矩阵估计及声源方位估计精度的影响。两种校准方法计算简单且精度较高,操作简单易于工程实用。 For array calibration problem in practice, the fast ULA's (Uniform Linear Array) gain and phase error calibration method was studied respectively in far and near field. In far field, using single sound source without exact orientation, it only needed to horizontally and exactly rotate the array one time. Then eigen value decomposition for the covariance matrix of received data was performed, and the gain and phase error were computed according to the formulas. In near field, the wave front is spherical, existing methods could not to be used. So a new method was put forward The array only horizontally and exactly was rotated at most three times, and the equations were built and solved according to geometry relation. Using the formula, the spherical wave to plane wave was modified, and then array's gain and phase error matrix could be got. Two calibration methods were proved to be valid by simulation. And an analysis of factors influencing for estimation precision was made. The two calibration methods are fast, accurate and easy for use.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期604-609,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 均匀线阵 单声源 幅相误差校准 特征子空间分解 ULA single sound source gain and phase error calibration eigen values decomposition
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