新塔里洛城市公园将是布雷西亚城中最重要的绿地系统之。这个公园位于工农业发展区,即布雷西亚旧城郊区,它是发展中的“Brescia Ⅱ”街区的亮点。设计师深知景观有助于解决基础设施建设的生态和城市规划设计旬题。快速发展的城市,如果仅仅依靠道路、房屋和基础设施等功能结构,而忽视景观概念,将会产生异样的剩余空间,破坏当前人与自然的关系。为此,界定城市形态边界,修建城市空间,创建城市生态和景观价值和改善公园周边环境都成为当务之急。同时,公园与周边城市空间新关系的设计以及新道路系统与原有交通基础设施的联系也至关重要。
The new urban park 'Tarello' will be one of the most important green areas of the city of Brescia. Located on an industrial and agricultural area, in the Brescia's former southern periphery, the park creates an attractive centre for the growing district 'Brescia I1'. This project understands landscape as an ecological and urban design and planning issue solving infrastructure. An expanding city based solely in functional structures - roads, buildings and infrastructures, not integrated in a global idea of landscape conception, generates disparate residual spaces, usually shattering existing relationships between Man and Nature. The ability of defining a morphological limit, constituting an urban space, adding an ecological and environmental value to this city, as well as changing the space around this park and relating itself with it, demands a clarity that did not yet exist. New relationships with the surrounding urban space need to be designed, and also, connecting the pre-existing transportation infrastructures with new paths and ways is of great importance.
Landscape Architecture