众所周知,随着我国加入WTO,我国的机动车数量每年在以指数级的速度增长.由此带来了交通严重拥堵、交通事故频发、交通环境恶化、环境污染加剧、收费制式混乱等交通问题,这就给交通管理部门提出了新的挑战,所以研制出一种新型高效的车牌识别系统已迫在眉睫,本文正是基于此而提出了Visual C++在车牌识别中的应用研究,它是基于windows平台的一种软件开发工具,实验表明基于此开发出的车牌识别系统不仅实时性强、而且稳定性好,因而该系统的整体性能较以往得到了很大程度的提高.
Along with China enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) , it is well - known that the number of motor vehicles is increasing by exponential speed every year. It brings on many traffic problems, such as bad traffic jam, high frequent traffic accident, worse of traffic environment, acute pollution of environment, chaos of the charge mode, etc. It is a new challenge to the traffic management department. Therefore, the development of a kind of newly and efficient vehicle plate recognization become urgently. Above of all, study on the application of Visual C plus plus in vehicle plate recognization is put forward in the paper. It is a kind of tool which is used to tap software based on the windows. The experiment result indicates that the vehicle plate recognization which is tapped based on, is powerful real -time, and high stabilization. The whole performance of vehicle plate recognition system is much more improved.
Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science)