
以研发联盟推动企业集群的产业升级 被引量:2

Stimulatting Industrial Upgrade in Clustered Enterprises by R&D Alliance
摘要 企业集群目前所面临的严重的生存问题说明,我国企业集群的商业模式已经过时。所以,要改变的不是企业集群这种产业组织形式,而是企业集群的商业模式。根本的做法是通过重构企业集群的商业模式,使集群中企业的竞争优势建立在技术创新和技术进步的基础之上。为此,有必要建立多方参与的集群共性技术研发联盟。这是推动我国企业集群产业升级的关键。 The serious problem of survival faced by clustered enterprises at present demonstrates that our country's business mode of clustered enterprises is out of date. So it is not the industrial organization mode of clustered enterprises to be changed, it is the business mode of clustered enterprises ought to be changed to build the clustered enterprises' competitiveness on technological innovation and progress. Hence, it is necessary to construct R&D alliance with multi-sides taking part, which is the key to push our country's industrial upgrade in clustered enterprises.
作者 孙鳌
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期39-43,共5页 Contemporary Economic Research
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