
生态型城区工业固体废弃物流向及驱动机制——以上海市闵行区为例 被引量:3

Direction of Industrial Solid Waste Flow and Driving Mechanisms in Eco-Cities:A Case Study of Minhang,Shanghai
摘要 固体废弃物流向研究不仅是对资源流和物质流研究的深入和补充,而且在促进循环经济和环境管理等方面具有重要意义。以上海闵行区为例,以统计资料和企业调查数据为基础,分析了闵行区近11年来工业固体废弃物(ISW)产生量及处理处置情况,重点探讨了工业固体废弃物流向(DISWF)及其驱动机制,基于生态型城区的建设指标及其内在要求,结合闵行区在DISWF调控和管理方面的实践,提出生态型城区DISWF调控对策,结果表明:①区域尺度上,ISW服从资源流动的"就近原则";产业尺度上,各行业的企业数量与其ISW输出量呈金字塔与倒金字塔分布,且行业间流量大于行业内流量;企业尺度上,单个ISW输出企业所对应的输入企业数量与其分布基本呈负相关;②DISWF系统是一个非线性、多重结构的复杂系统,企业追求综合效益最佳化是其关键驱动因子,应用系统动力学方法可使系统最优化;③生态型城区的工业固体废弃物流向管理应遵循分类管理原则,加强政策引导功能,规范DISWF,促进ISW流动,保障废物的综合利用,并减少流动过程中的环境风险。 Research on direction of industrial solid waste flow (DISWF) is not only the extension and supplement of resource flow and material flow research, but also has important practical significance in the development of circular economy and recycling industry or venous industry. Taking Minhang, which is a district of Shanghai and a national eco-city, as an example, we used official statistics and data on 100 key enterprises. We analyzed industrial solid wastes (ISW) output, treatment and disposal in Minhang from 1996 to 2006, and then analyzed DISWF for 3 different research scales. The results show that on a regional scale, ISWF is subject to the principle of proximity of resource flows, and 63.79% of ISW was treated or reused in Minhang in 2006. The proportion of input enterprise (also called waste treatment enterprise) of ISW is very significantly positively correlated with the proportion of ISWF in the same region. On an industrial scale, ISW of class D, about 51.70% of total ISW, are mainly output to class C, and ISW of class C (about 6.73% of total ISW), are mainly output to class H. On an enterprise scale, the quantity of input enterprise of ISW corresponding to a single output enterprise of ISW, which generated waste while producing goods, is significantly negatively correlated with its distribution. The maximum of input enterprise that traded with an output enterprise is 12, but the minimum is only 1. The system of DISWF is a nonlinear, multi-configuration and complicated system. System dynamics (SD) is a useful method to optimize the system of DISWF, and optimization of comprehensive benefits of enterprises is the key driving factor of DISWF. Market regulation, government guidance and public participation all have certain influences on DISWF. As a result, the government should play a coordinating role in promoting ISWF so as to make sure that ISW can be comprehensively utilized and the environmental risks of ISWF can be reduced, when facing information flow jam, local barriers, and market failures. Also, public supervision should be intensified so as to reduce risks of ISWF.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期157-163,共7页 Resources Science
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(2007) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:40730526) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项目(编号:2007AA06A401)。
关键词 工业固体废弃物 资源流 系统动力学 驱动机制 上海闵行区 Industrial solid wastes Resources flow System dynamics Driving mechanisms Minhang District of Shanghai
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