
正性情绪词与内隐情绪启动效应的实验研究 被引量:10

An Experimental Research on Positive Emotional Words and the Priming Effect of Implicit Emotion
摘要 以大三学生为被试,以正性情绪词和中性词匹配作为实验材料,采用3种加工类型×2种测验方式,研究个体情绪的内隐特征。结果表明:(1)文字的正性情绪信息对个体的正性内隐情绪具有启动效应。(2)以汉字作为实验材料也可以研究个体的内隐情绪特征。(3)内隐情绪特征的研究对教育内容和教育形式的设计上具有启示意义。 Using the method of implicit social cognition, and manipulating positive emotional words and neutral words as experimental materials, this research explored the implicit emotional characters with college seniors as the subjects. The results showed: (1) The information of positive emotion from Chinese characters could produce a priming effect of positive implicit emotion; (2) the results of studies on implicit emotion with Chinese characters as experimental materials were verified; (3) The research on implicit emotional characters will bring an enlightening implication for the content and form of education.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期176-177,169,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 正性情绪词 内隐情绪 启动效应 偏好测验 positive emotion words, implicit emotion, priming effect, preference judgement
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