
以计算机为媒介的沟通对人际交流关系的影响 被引量:5

The Influence of the Computer as a Media on the Relationship Among Users
摘要 本研究采用实验室实验的方法,以被试自我报告和文本内容分析两种不同的因变量测量手段,探讨了计算机媒介对人际交流关系的影响。结果发现:随匿名水平的增加,自我报告显示被试感到讨论搭档更具社会吸引性,讨论文本的内容分析则显示被试使用的语言更多指向任务,更少指向关系。 The present study explored the influence of the computer as a media on the relationship among users in the experimental setting. By examining the subjects' self-reports and analyzing the discussion-content, we searched for the possible reasons for the contradiction of theories in this field. With the extent of anonymity growing, we found more social attraction for the partner, more task-oriented language and less relation-oriented language they used.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期184-186,183,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 以计算机为媒介的沟通 视觉匿名 内容分析 computer mediated communication, visual anonymity, content analysis
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