
Wolbachia在北京地区小菜蛾种群中的感染 被引量:3

Infection of Wolbachia in Plutella xylostella in Beijing area of China
摘要 Wolbachia是一类广泛分布于节肢动物体内,可以引起其寄主生殖行为改变的细胞内共生细菌。小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)是常见的鳞翅目害虫,严重危害十字花科植物。通过对Wolbahcia的wsp基因的PCR扩增及克隆测序,明确Wolbachia在北京地区小菜蛾野生种群内及其个体体内的分布情况。研究发现,在北京地区小菜蛾的野生种群中,感染了一种Wolbahcia,将其命名为wXyl,并在GenBank中进行注册;在小菜蛾成虫的个体体内,其胸部,腹部及足内都有Wolbachia分布,而且所感染的Wolbachia完全相同。wXyl属于Wolbachia B组中的Pip亚组。研究首次发现在我国小菜蛾的野生种群内有Wolbachia感染的现象。 Wolbachia is a common and widespread group through the cytoplasm of eggs and have evolved various of bacteria found in many arthropods. They are transmitted mechanisms for manipulating reproduction of their hosts. Plutella xylosteUa ( L. ) is a common lepidopteran pest of cruciferous vegetables. In this study, a strain of Wolbachia was detected in a natural population of P. xylostella in Beijing, based on PCR amplification of its wsp gene, cloning and sequencing. The sequenced wsp gene was named as wXyl. It was found that Wolbachia are distributed in the thorax, abdomen and legs of P. xylostella adults detected, wXyl belongs to the subgroup Pip in supergroup B. This is the first report that Wolbachia is distributed in a natural population of P. xylostella in China.
出处 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期46-50,共5页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30471166)
关键词 WOLBACHIA 小菜蛾 感染 菜蛾科 Wolbachia, Plutella xylostella, infection, Plutellidae
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