
大鼠前列腺平滑肌细胞的培养及其电压依赖性钙通道的表达 被引量:1

Expression of voltage-operated calcium channels in rat prostatic smooth muscles
摘要 目的探讨电压依赖型T-型及L-型钙通道亚基在SD大鼠前列腺平滑肌细胞(SPSMCs)中的表达。方法分离、培养和纯化大鼠前列腺平滑肌细胞,并利用免疫细胞化学的方法检测a-平滑肌肌动蛋白(a-smooth muscle actin,a-SMA)进行细胞鉴定;采用RT-PCR技术观察大鼠前列腺平滑肌细胞中钙离子通道不同亚基a1C、a1D、a1G、a1H mRNA的表达。结果培养的细胞多呈长梭形,a-SMA免疫细胞化学染色为阳性,经传代纯化,纯度近100%。RT-PCR结果显示,可见L型钙通道a1C、a1D及T型钙通道a1G的表达,未见a1H的表达。结论贴块法培养前列腺平滑肌细胞方法简便经济,可获得高纯度、状态良好的细胞,电压依赖型L-型钙通与T-型钙通道存在于原代培养的SPSMCs中,它们的变化可能改变前列腺平滑肌的收缩活性。 To investigate the expression of mRNA of L-type calcium channel and T-type calcium channel in cultured SPSMCs and it's role in prostate diseases. Methods SPSMCs were isolated, cultured and purified RT-PCR was used to detect the mRNA expression of a1C, a1D, a1G, a1H in SPSMCs. Results The expression of a1C, a1D, a1G were found in SPSMCs, but no expression of a1H was observed in SPSMCs. Conclusion The results suggested that the changes in voltage-depended L-type and T-type calcium channels and their interactions might affect the ability of regulating contractility of SPSMCs and further caused prostate diseases such as prostatitis.
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期19-22,共4页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30672106)
关键词 前列腺 肌细胞 平滑肌 钙通道 大鼠 prostate myocytes, smooth muscle calcium channels rats
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