
大型锻件操作装备机锻耦合仿真分析 被引量:1

Forging and Kinetics Coupling Simulation of Manipulator in Heavy Forging
摘要 通过建立多系统仿真方法,评估了大型锻件操作装备机与锻压工件之间的相互关系,将锻压过程中的热塑性有限元分析与操作机的动力学分析耦合,通过比较在垂直方向主动柔顺以及水平方向被动柔顺条件下,锻压过程对大型锻件操作装备机所承受载荷的影响.结果表明,主、被动柔顺均可使大型锻件操作装备机的承载降至安全限度以内. A multi system simulation method was presented in this paper to evaluate the mutual reaction load between the manipulator clamps and the forging piece. A multi system simulation method was presented in this paper to evaluate the mutual reaction load between the manipulator clamps and forging piece. In this system, FEM forming simulation and kinetics analysis were coupled to evaluate mutual reaction between them, where the forging forming was realized by the thermal-mechanical FEM simulation and kinetics was analyzed by kinematics and dynamics modeling based on an extracted manipulator. This paper uniquely combines the power of FEM simulation and kinetics analysis which reveals the significance of two directional submissive movements to decrease the reaction force acting on the manipulator from forging process.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期33-37,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目资助(2006CB705407)
关键词 锻压 动力学 耦合仿真 大型锻件 操作装备机 forging kinetics coupling simulation heavy forging manipulator
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