目的:了解土家族地区门诊用药及抗菌药的使用现状,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:随机抽查某三甲医院2006年10月~2007年9月门诊处方共12 000张,进行审核、统计、分析,并对不合理用药的典型处方进行评析。结果:处方合格率94.7%,处方平均用药种数2.4种,注射剂使用率40.5%,基本药物占处方用药的69.3%,通用名占处方用药的62.9%,平均处方金额105.14元;抗菌药使用率47.5%,抗菌药联合用药率20.2%。结论:该院处方合格率符合国家规定,但存在随意使用抗菌药及过度用药、诊断与用药不相适宜、处方书写不够规范等情况,应引起医务工作者的重视和改进。
Objective: To comprehend the condition of antibiotics practice by investigating and analyzing the use of antibiotics in out-patient prescription of a grade-Ⅲ level-A hospital to provide reference for clinics. Method: From October in 2006 to September in 2007, a total of 12 000 out-patient prescriptions were randomly checked, examined, recorded and analyzed. Result: The effective rate of the prescription was 94.7%, the kinds of the mean drug use in the prescriptions were 2.4, and the use rate of injections was 40.5%. The use of basic drugs accounted for 69.3% in the drugs used in the prescriptions. The drugs with universal nomenclacture accounted for 62.9% in the preseritption drugs. The mean prescrip- tion sum of money was 105.14 yuan. The use rate of antibacterial drugs was 47.5% and that of the combination medicine was 20.2%. Conclusion: The rate of reasonable prescriptions in this hospital conformed to the state standards; however the rate of antibiotic use was too high. There are still some problems in overexpendture. The indication, as well as the validity, security, economy and adaptability should be considered enough in order to reduce the occurrence of adverse drug reactions and protect public health.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology
Out-patient prescriptions
Rational drug use
Drug utilization