
企业内部基于角色协作的个性化搜索系统 被引量:2

Personalized Search System in Enterprise Based on Role Collaborative
摘要 随着信息系统的升级和Web2.0系统的广泛应用,现代化企业的内部信息正在呈爆炸性的增长,为提高海量信息检索的精确度,该文设计一个个性化搜索系统,该系统采用分类和聚类等传统信息过滤技术,提出基于角色的协作模型。实验结果表明,新的协作模型能更有效地挖掘企业用户的个性化需求,使搜索结果更为精确。 Influenced by the upgrading of information systems and the booming of Web 2.0 applications, the information inside a modern enterprise is growing explosively. In order to promote the accuracy of searching results in massive information, this paper designs a personalized search system, which uses the traditional information filtering technology such as classification and gathering. The role-based collaborative model is also proposed. Experimental results show this new collaborative model can find out the personalized requirement of enterprise users more efficiently and make the sarech results more accurate.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期39-41,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 英特尔中国研发中心创新研究基金资助项目
关键词 个性化 企业搜索 基于角色 推荐系统 personalization enterprise search role-based recommendation system
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