
低信噪比条件下的高分辨DOA估计算法 被引量:7

High Resolution DOA Estimation Algorithm with Low SNR
摘要 提出一种基于多级维纳滤波器(MSWF)的信号波达方向(DOA)估计算法。通过测试信号子空间的估计值与噪声子空间的正交性实现DOA粗估计,通过测试MSWF分解的互相关函数实现信号DOA的精估计。仿真实验表明,在低信噪比条件下,该算法比已有的子空间类算法有更好的分辨率和误差性能。 A method of estimating Direction Of Arrival(DOA) based on Multistage Weiner Filtering(MSWF) is proposed. Rough estimation of DOA is provided by testing orthogonality between estimated signal subspace and noise subspace and gets more precise results through testing cross-correlation function of MSWF. Simulation shows that the proposed method offers improvements in estimation performance under low SNR condition compared with the previous algorithm.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期96-98,102,共4页 Computer Engineering
关键词 阵列信号处理 波达方向 多级维纳滤波 正交测试 array signal processing Direction Of Arrival(DOA) Multistage Weiner Filtering(MSWF) test of orthogonality
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