
胡萝卜根粗和根长的遗传及其杂种优势分析 被引量:4

Genetic and Heterosis Analysis for Root Width and Length in Carrot (Daucus carota L.)
摘要 以19个不同栽培类型胡萝卜品种(或自交系)配制的16个杂交组合为研究对象,通过基因型×环境互作的加性—显性遗传模型探讨胡萝卜根粗和根长的遗传表现,并进行杂种优势预测。方差分析结果表明:根粗主要受加性效应和加性×环境互作效应影响,根长主要受加性效应和显性×环境互作效应影响。根粗和根长的遗传率以普通狭义遗传率为主,而互作狭义遗传率较小。杂交后代的超亲优势为负值,表明在胡萝卜育种中,利用杂种优势增加根粗和根长比较有限,但是利用一些特殊类型的亲本进行杂交可以改善后代的性状表现。 By using an additive-dominance genetic model with genotype and environments interaction, the genetic and heterosis for carrot root width and length were investigated with 19 varieties (or inbreeding lines) and their 16 F1 crosses. It was indicted that additive variance (VA) and additive environment interaction variance (EAE) were major genetic components for root width, and VA and dominance environment interaction variance (VoE) were major genetic components for root length. The general narrow sense heritabilities were higher than interactive narrow sense heritabilities for root width and length. The negative value for hybrid heterobeltiosis indicted that root width and length couldn't be increased by utilizing heterosis, but be improved by using some special types of parents in carrot breeding.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期115-120,共6页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑项目(2006BAD13B06) 农业部‘948’项目(2006-G13) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(2060302-2-08) 农业部园艺作物遗传改良重点开放实验室项目
关键词 胡萝卜 根粗 根长 遗传分析 杂种优势 carrot root width root length genetic analysis heterosis
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