One day old chickens without maternal antibody were vaccinated with the commercial turkey herpesvirus (HVT) Starting on weed 3 and about 1 week intervals,the feather tips or pulp liquid of the birds were detected by agar gel precipitiation test (AGP) for the viral antigens directly.Results showed it was always negative at 3 to 8 weeks post vaccination (PV) However,when 20 to 40 feather tips were pooled and cut into pieces in 2ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS),the suspension after incubation was centrifuged and the buffer decreased by concentrated gel to about 1/40 times in volume was detected by AGP for viral antigens It showed that the viral antigens in the feather was recovered and always positive for both HVT and Marek’s disease virus (MDV) antigens at 3 to 5 weeks PV,whereas it was only positive for HVT antigens at 6 weeks and none at 7 to 8 weeks PV Results were deduced that the viral antigens for HVT could be found at low levels in feather tips of chickens vaccinated with HVT,but couldn’t be recovered directly by the conventional AGP.