A 320×240 pixel organic-light-emitfing-diode-on-silicon (OLEDoS) driving circuit is implemented using the standard 0.5μm CMOS process of CSMC. It gives 16 gray scales with integrated 4 bit D/A converters. A three- transistor voltage-programmed OLED pixel driver is proposed, which can realize the very small current driving required for the OLEDoS microdisplay. Both the D/A converter and the pixel driver are implemented with pMOS devices. The pass-transistor and capacitance in the OLED pixel driver can be used to sample the output of the D/A converter. An additional pMOS is added to OLED pixel driver, which is used to control the D/A converter operating only when one row is on. This can reduce the circuit's power consumption. This driving circuit can work properly in a frame frequency of 50 Hz, and the final layout of this circuit is given. The pixel area is 28.4 × 28.4μm^2 and the display area is 10.7 × 8.0 mm^2 (the diagonal is about 13 mm). The measured pixel gray scale voltage shows that the function of the driver circuit is correct, and the power consumption of the chip is about 350 mW.
A 320×240 pixel organic-light-emitfing-diode-on-silicon (OLEDoS) driving circuit is implemented using the standard 0.5μm CMOS process of CSMC. It gives 16 gray scales with integrated 4 bit D/A converters. A three- transistor voltage-programmed OLED pixel driver is proposed, which can realize the very small current driving required for the OLEDoS microdisplay. Both the D/A converter and the pixel driver are implemented with pMOS devices. The pass-transistor and capacitance in the OLED pixel driver can be used to sample the output of the D/A converter. An additional pMOS is added to OLED pixel driver, which is used to control the D/A converter operating only when one row is on. This can reduce the circuit's power consumption. This driving circuit can work properly in a frame frequency of 50 Hz, and the final layout of this circuit is given. The pixel area is 28.4 × 28.4μm^2 and the display area is 10.7 × 8.0 mm^2 (the diagonal is about 13 mm). The measured pixel gray scale voltage shows that the function of the driver circuit is correct, and the power consumption of the chip is about 350 mW.
supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (No. 2003CB314705)