

Analysis on Management System and Approaches of External Cooperation Research Programs:Taking China-EU ESCP as An Example
摘要 欧盟自1984年起实施的"研究、技术开发及示范框架项目(简称框架项目)",是欧盟成员国和相关国家共同参与的中期重大科研项目,迄今已完成六期,第七框架项目并已启动。以中国—欧盟欧洲研究中心项目(ESCP)为例,可以将欧盟国际合作研究项目的管理体系与理念总结为项目构建、逻辑框架、行动预算、标杆比较、循环管理五个方法,其做法有利于促进国际合作研究项目的发展。 The Research, Technology Development and Demonstration Framework Program, which is shortened as "Framework Program (FP), and has been carried out by the European Union (EU) since 1984, is a set of major mid-term research programs, participated by EU members and relevant countries. Having accomplished six FPs, EU has recently launched the FP7. This essay, by taking China-EU European Studies Centers Programs (ESCP) as an example, summarizes 5 approaches of the EU program management system with innovativeness as Project-Based, Logical Framework, Budget for the Action, Bench- marking and Project Cycle Management, which is beneficial to promoting the development of external cooperation research programs.
作者 郦莉
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期119-124,共6页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 欧盟 中国 国际合作研究项目 European Union China external cooperation research programs
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