
基于英汉翻译对应语篇的语域转换分析 被引量:3

Exploring Register Shifts in Translational Parallel Texts
摘要 “转换”无所不在。它是传统翻译研究中的重要基本概念,也是描述、解释和评价翻译对应语篇的重要内容。基于“翻译是在语境调控下的一种语言行为”的基本前提和拓展传统“转换”概念的目的,根据英汉翻译对应语篇语料,本文拟将系统功能语言学中“语域”概念融入“转换”,提出“语域转换”这一概念,旨在扩大纯语言层面上的“转换”内涵,贯通对应语篇分析中对文化、情景和文本的研究。 The occurrence of ' shifts' , which is used in the literature to refer to changes that occur or may occur in the process of translating, has long been acknowledged as a true universal of translation. The study of shifts has always been the major point in translation studies, and an important part in analyzing translational Parallel Texts, which specif- ically refer to ' original texts and their translations' in this article. Since translating is a type of language use, the analy- sis of shifts, which belongs to the domain of linguistic performance, shall be appropriately related to context studies of translation. This article is intended to contextualize ' shifts' , and puts forward the new concept of ' register shifts' , and argues for its practicability and efficacy in description, interpretation or evaluation of translational shifts in parallel texts.
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2009年第1期49-54,共6页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 语域转换 语场转换 语旨转换 语式转换 Register Shifts Field Shifts Tenor Shifts Mode Shifts
  • 相关文献


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