
环境管制对企业环境技术创新影响研究 被引量:7

Study on the Impacts of Environmental Regulation on Enterprises' Environmental Technique Innovation
摘要 政府采取环境管制措施会给企业环境技术创新活动带来不同影响。有些学者认为政府实行环境管制有助于企业进行技术创新,也有学者认为环境管制会给企业技术创新带来一定阻力,从而削弱企业进行技术创新的动力。本文针对环境管制中的受限企业,从分析政府实施环境管制对企业环境技术创新活动产生影响的作用机制入手,剖析影响企业环境技术创新的各方面因素,并给出相应的政策建议,为政府实施更为有效的环境管制提供决策参考。 The environmental regulations implemented by government cause different impacts on enterprise decisions of environmental technique innovation. On this issue, some scholars claim that, it is innovation - beneficial that government implements environmental regulations, whereas some others confirm that the regulations could induce barriers to enterprises in their innova- tion activities, which could possibly weaken their innovation motivation. This paper studies how the environmental - regulated enterprises make their innovation decisions, and when they are imposed the environmental regulations by government. It also analyses the influence mechanism of environmental regulations on enterprises'innovation behaviors first, then studies the key factors that affect enterprises'innovation, and finally gives four political suggestions that would be effective for the further governmental environmental regulation.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期52-56,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
关键词 环境管制 环境技术创新 企业目标函数 environmental regulation, environmental technique innovation, enterprise objective function, impact factors
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