By the history of the People's Republic of China (PRC) we mean the social history and the history of the relations between society and nature on the Chinese land of 9.6 million square kilometers since the founding of the Republic in 1949.Observed in the light of the path or goal model of socio-economic development,the national history may roughly be divided into five stages with at least three main threads.It is necessary to make clear the relations between modem history and con- temporary history in the studies of national history,especially handle well its relations with the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC).The key to seeing clearly the mainstream of the national histo- ry is how to look at the history before the reform and opening up,especially the drawbacks and mis- takes in that period.Studies on the national history are imbued with a relatively strong class,political and ideological nature,but this does not necessarily weaken their academic and scientific nature.Be- sides the functions of inheriting and passing on civilizations,benefiting the state and educating the peo- ple common to all branches of history,studies on national history also play an important role of'defen- ding the state'.Today,as long as the objective realities and academic norms are respected,the con- temporaries are able to write well the contemporary national history;furthermore,they can write it well under the auspices of government institutions.
Contemporary China History Studies
the national history
the CPC history
stages of national history
the main thread of national history
the mainstream of national history