The author has studied in detail the geochemical characteristics of S, Pb, Rb, Sr, H, O and their geological significance of the gold deposits in the area. A brief presentation is given as follows: 1. The evolution of isotope S experienced at least two times of fracturation; isotope Pb displays a feature of three—staged evolution. Their evolution is related chiefly to the heat event of strongly plastic metamorphic deformation occurred in 2700—2200Ma and the heat event of strongly brittle—plastic metamorphic deformation occurred in 1800—1500Ma. As the diseguilibrium of development of metamorpbic deformation occurred in different sections of the ore fields or in the same one results in dissimilarity and regularity of characteristics of the isotope S, so the two are the important indicators for predicting and evaluating the gold mineralization. 2. The ore—forming fluid pocesses chiefly the nature,of metamorpbic thermal solution, but contains a certain amount of meteoric water, and mixes with a Small amount of remelted magmatic thermal solution. In ore—forming process, fO_2=1.0×10^(-36)~3.16×10^(-33)bar, pH=6.5~7.0, T=200~350℃. 3. The granite—greenstone terrain is the source of S, Pb and ore—forming material as well as ore—forming fluid of mineralization of gold deposits. 4. Mineralization of gold experienced chiefly four epoches: (1) befoire 2700Ma—formation of greenstone—formation of ore source; (2) 2700—2200Ma, strongly plastic metamorphic deformation—occurring of mineralization; (3) 1800—1500Ma, strongly brittle—plastic metamorphic deformation—conversion of mineralization to ore formafion (the chief epoch of mineralization); (4) 250—150Ma, weaker Phanerozoic magmatie activity—transformation, superpo sifion and rejuvenation of gold mineralization.
Jilin Geology
Granite—greenstone belt Isotope geochemistry Fractuation ore—forming process Geological heat exent