
基于可靠度限制的周期性预防维护模型研究 被引量:21

Study on Periodic Preventive Maintenance Model Based on Limitation of Reliability
摘要 实施周期性的预防维护可以减缓设备的老化速度,进而增加设备的使用寿命。考虑设备经维护后会改善的情况,提出并构建了一个改善因子模型,以此描述设备维护改善的效果,该改善因子模型综合考虑了预防维护成本、设备年龄以及维护过程学习效应等因素影响。在改善因子模型基础上,基于无限时间域的概念,构建了包含预防维护成本、最小修复成本、置换成本等在内的成本函数。在可靠度限制下,推导出了单位时间成本函数和最佳维护时间间隔的计算模型,给出了计算最佳参数的流程。最后,进行了实例分析。 The ageing of machine can be slowed by implementing periodic predictive maintenance. In the same way the life of machine can be increased. The machine state will be improved after maintaining. In this article, an improvement factor based on maintenance cost, age, and learning effect in the process of maintaining is constructed to describe the effect by periodic preventive maintenance. Based on improvement factor with limitless time, cost function including preventive maintenance cost, minimal repair cost and replacement cost is constructed. The unit cost and the optimized maintenance time interval based on limitation of reliability are deduced. The process of optimization and an example are given.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 北大核心 2009年第1期62-65,共4页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70671065 50875168) 国家863计划(2007BAF10B00)
关键词 周期预防维护 可靠度 改善因子 periodic preventive maintenance reliability improvement factor
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