随着Internet在全世界范围内普及,寻呼业务与Internet结合必将给寻呼业带来新的机遇.文章从 Internet寻呼的网络配置情况出发,详细介绍了两者结合所带来的两种主要业务——万维网寻呼业务和电子邮件寻呼业务所需的技术条件、使用方法、适用场合等方面.最后,结合国内寻呼市场的特点,深入分析了两种业务在我国的应用前景,供参考.
With the wide spread of Internet service, combining paging service and Internet will bring new opportunity to the paging industry. The article begins with the network configuration of the Internet paging service, and describes in great detail the two new services coming about with the combination -WWW paging and E-mail paging. After review of the technical conditions, usage and environment of the two services, The article analyzed the future of the services in our country as a reference for related operators.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications