
一类大型互联非线性系统的鲁棒分散控制 被引量:1

Robust Decentralized Control for a Class of Large-Scale Interconnected Nonlinear Systems
摘要 本文对带有界扰动的一类大型互联非线性系统进行了分散状态反馈控制设计,通过子系统状态的线性变换,得到分散状态反馈控制律.当状态反馈控制律作用于该系统时,无扰动的闭环系统是渐近稳定的.当扰动较小时,系统的状态能够收敛到原点的一个小邻域内. . Decentralized state feedback control design for a class of large-scale intercon- nected nonlinear systems with bounded disturbances is given. The decentralized state feed- back controllers are obtained by using the linear transformation of the states of each subsystem. When the state feedback control laws are applied to the systems, the closed-loop systems without disturbances are asymptotic stable and the states of the systems can converge to a small region of the origin when disturbances are small.
出处 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期27-32,共6页 Mathematica Applicata
基金 苏州科技学院重点学科基金
关键词 大型互联系统 状态反馈 分散控制 Large-scale interconnected systems State feedback Decentralized control
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