
在戏仿和解构中再生——论福尔斯和巴塞尔姆的小说形式再生之路 被引量:1

The Replenishment of the Novel——Parody and Deconstruction in Fowles and Barthelme's Fiction
摘要 在经历了现代主义的辉煌后,英美小说界不约而同地发出了"文学枯竭"的声音,宣告小说形式已经用尽。然而,在此背景下,以福尔斯和巴塞尔姆为代表的英美后现代主义小说家,却在自己的作品中成功地走出了一条文学的再生之路。在《法国中尉的女人》和《白雪公主》等作品中,作家通过对经典作品的戏仿和叙事方式本身的解构,对传统小说形式进行了革新,从而实现了小说艺术形式的再生。 Despite the acknowledged achievement, the development of modern fiction was soon followed by the voices of "the literature of exhaustion" which announced that the forms of the novel have already been used up. However, the post - modem novelists in both Britain and America, and with Fowles and Barthelme in particular, have successfully found their own ways to replenish the genre of the novel in their own works. Based on the textual analysis of The French Lieutenant's Woman and Snow White, with a special focus on parody and deeonstruetion employed in both novels, this paper intends to explicate the unremitting efforts of post - modem novelists made to innovate and replenish the forms of the novel.
作者 陈俊松
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第1期48-52,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 小说形式 福尔斯 巴塞尔姆 戏仿 解构 再生 the form of novel Fowles Barthelme parody deconstruction replenishment
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  • 1Barth, John. " The Literature of Exhaustion. " The Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1977, p 72.
  • 2Johnson, B. S. " Aren t You Rather Young to be Writing Your Memoirs?" The Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1977, p153.
  • 3Thorpe, Michael. John Fowles. Writers and their Work : A Critical and Bibliographical Series. Ed. Ian Scott - Kilvert, Windsor: Profile Books Ltd. , 1982, p26,26, 25.
  • 4Fowles, John. The French Lieutenant's Woman. London : Panther Books, 1970, p311 - 312,7,84, 85,85,85,348.
  • 5杨仁敬.《美国后现代主义小说论》.青岛出版社,2004年版,第80,81页.
  • 6Barthelme, Donald. Snow White. New York: Bantam Books, 1968, p132; 82-83.
  • 7虞建华.《后现代环境与巴塞尔姆的小说(白雪公主后传)(代序)》.《白雪公主后传》,虞建华译,上海译文出版社,2005年版,第3页.
  • 8Lodge, David. The Modes of Modern Writing. London : Edward Arnold, 1977, p220.
  • 9Hassan, Ihab. Contemporary American Literature 1945 - 1972 : An Introduction. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. , 1973, p56.









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