
金融物理学的逻辑解释 被引量:1

A Logical Reading of Financial Physics
摘要 "金融物理学"是由俄罗斯物理学家伊林斯基所创立的新学科和新学派,在经济学理论界原本就有一席之地。借助于"规范场市场-金融市场类比"以及杨振宁规范场论与陈省身纤维丛理论的内在关联性,得到了所谓"金融-纤维丛"的独特几何图解法以及一种全新的语言(底空间、纤维、平移、曲率等等)和描述方式。这一套全新的概念构架或方法论语言,产生出富有启发力的新思路,并且提供一种分析金融学问题的强有力的新的研究工具,有助于建构新理论。通常,人们的疑难既不在于经济学本身,也不在于物理学本身,而是在于逻辑方面。问题在于,金融学与现代物理学这两门看似毫不相干的学科,何以可能结成联盟,何以可能形成交叉学科?借用逻辑和科学哲学作为方法论工具,我们认为,金融学与现代物理学(特指粒子物理学中的"规范场论"以及"纤维丛理论"的概念与方法)之间,之所以能够合乎情理地建立起一系列相似性和对应关系,其奥秘就在于运用科学哲学中类比这一启发式方法。由此,开拓了新的学科领域。 Financial physics is a new branch of science established by K. Ilinski, a Russian physician, having earned a place in economics. A so called finance-fibre bundle diagramming and a new language and description have grown out of the analogy between gauge field and financial market and the internal relevance of Yang Zhen-ning' s gauge field theory and Chen Sheng-shen's fibre bundle theory. This new conceptual framework or methodology brings about a new way of thinking and provides another powerful tool for researches on financial problems, contributing to the construction of new theories. People' s puzzles usually lie in neither the economics nor physics, but in the logics. The problem is that how finance and modern physics, two seemingly unrelated disciplines, could be integrated, forming a cross - discipline. This paper uses logic and the philosophy of science as a methodological tool to work out the puzzles, pointing out that the secret for the possibility of establishing a series of rational similarities and correspondences between finance and modern physics ( especially referring to the concepts and methods of "gauge fields theory" and "fibre bundle theory" lies in the application of analogy, a heuristic method in the philosophy of science. Thus a new field has been opened up.
作者 桂起权
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第1期111-117,共7页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<经济学逻辑研究>(06BZX050) 上海市重点课题"复杂金融与经济系统的对称性和规范建模" 编号06JC14057
关键词 金融物理学 规范场论 纤维丛理论 类比 经济学方法论 financial physics, gauge field theory, fibre bundle theory analogy, the methodology of economics
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