
单片行波功率放大器 被引量:3

A Monolithic Traveling Wave Power Amplifier
摘要 报道了一个单片行波功率放大器的研究结果。单级放大器电路采用6个栅宽为420μn的GaAsMESFET作为有源器件,通过采用栅串联电容和漏线阻抗渐变技术,在(1-13)GHz频率范围内线性增益为7.5±0.5dB,输出功率大于0.5W,功率附加效率为16%,输入输出驻波比在1.2—2,1之间。采用离子注入、背面通孔等先进工艺制作在厚度为0.1mm的GaAs基片上,芯片面积为3.7mm×1.85mm。将两个这样的芯片级联得到13±1dB的线性增益。 This paper describes the design, fabrication and performance, of amonolithic GaAs Power Traveling Wave Amplifier (TWA) with 7. 5 dB liner gainand 0. 5 dB gain flatness in (1─13) GHz frequency range. The main mechanismswhich limit power capability of the TWA are discussed. By using the techniques ofseries gate capacitors and tapering drain line impedance, the amplifier has achieved0. 5 W output power with 16 percent power-added efficiency over the band. TheMMIC uses 6 × 420 μm MESFETs as active devices and is implemented on 0.1 mmGaAs substrate. The chip size is 3. 7 mm ×1. 85 mm. By cascading two chips,13±1 dB linear gain over the same band is obtained.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期3-8,共6页 Research & Progress of SSE
关键词 微波集成电路 行波功率放大器 砷化镓 MMIC Power TWA CaAs MESFET Broad Band
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