
置氢TC21合金粉末压制方程研究 被引量:1

Study on forming equation of hydrogenated TC21 titanium alloy powder
摘要 为建立置氢TC21钛合金粉末的压制性能评价体系,和置氢TC21合金粉末室温模压成形过程压制方程,测定了置氢TC21合金粉末外加压力、压坯密度及压坯强度与合金粉末置氢量的关系,将试验数据代入推导的置氢TC21钛合金粉末的压制方程之中,采用VB求解超限定方程组,计算出方程中所含的3个参数的值,并最终定量研究了这3个参数与置氢量的关系,确定了占主导地位的成形机制,最终得到了置氢TC21合金粉末压制性能及压制方程,从而为精确控制置氢钛合金粉末模压成形提供了依据。 To obtain compaction property evaluation system and establish quantitative relationship between green density and every processing parameters at room temperature die forming of hydrogenated TC21 powder, it was tested that the relationship between forming pressure, green density, compression strength and hydrogen content of hydrogenated TC21 alloy powder. The experimental data were substituted into a compaction equation for hydrogenated TC21 alloy powder, which includes three parameters. The values of the parameters were calculated by VB software. The relationship between the values o; the parameters and the hydrogen content of the system was studied quantitatively, and the dominant mechanism of the process has been determined. The final results were acquired that the compaction property and the forming equation of hydrogenated TC21 titanium alloy, and the thesis provided the basis for precision die forming control of hydrogenated titanium alloy powder.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期144-148,共5页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
基金 国家973资助项目(11AZ6305)
关键词 置氢 TC21合金粉末 压制性能 压制方程 hydrogenation TC21 alloy powder compaction property forming equation
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