
城市复杂道路网的Stroke生成方法 被引量:18

Generating Strokes from City Road Networks
摘要 传统连接stroke的方法在处理表达较为详细的城市道路网数据时,会产生双行道分离和环岛处截断等错误。为能够在城市复杂道路网中正确生成stroke,针对道路网中的双行道和道路交叉口模式提出一种新的stroke生成方法。该方法采用道路街区几何形态分析、基于连通关系的层次聚类等算法自动识别出道路网中的双行道和道路交叉口模式,并使用穷举stroke配对组合算法连接截断的stroke,从而保证stroke的连续性。以武汉市NAVIN-FOTM导航电子地图数据为例验证该方法的实用性,生成的stroke符合stroke感知归组原则中平滑连贯的要求。 When dealing with detailed represented city road networks, the traditional stroke generation method will make some mistakes such as dual road separated and roundabout truncated. In order to generate correct road strokes from city complex road networks, a new method is proposed to generate strokes of road networks for dealing with dual road and road junction patterns. The proposed method firstly recognizes dual roads and complicated junctions based on pattern analysis and a hierarchical cluster algorithm, then finds an optimized stroke pair to keep road strokes connectivity. The road network of Wuhan was selected to test the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is capable of generating smooth and continuous strokes conforming to perceptual grouping concept.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期49-52,共4页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家863计划项目(2007AA12Z241 2007AA12Z212) 国家自然科学基金项目(40871185) 教育部重点项目(108085)
关键词 模式识别 stroke生成 道路网 多尺度表达 pattern recognition stroke generation road network multi-scale representation
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