
保留细节特征的轮廓线远程绘制算法 被引量:2

Feature-preserving Contour-based Remote Rendering Algorithm
摘要 目前,智能掌上电脑、个人数字助理和智能手机等移动终端因为其便携性和可移动性,越来越多地被应用于分布式虚拟环境中,但是因为移动终端自身的局限性,在移动终端上的3维模型实时绘制问题仍未得到很好的解决。结合多分辨率网格模型和基于轮廓线的远程绘制的优点,提出了一种保留细节特征的轮廓线远程绘制算法。该算法预处理阶段,在原始精细网格模型上提取细节特征线,并进行多分辨率网格模型的预处理;运行时阶段,根据视点、帧率等交互信息使用选取策略对细节特征线进行选取,然后构建合适的多分辨率网格模型,并在该模型上提取出外围轮廓线,最后发送这两种轮廓线到移动终端进行绘制。实验结果表明,该算法在基于轮廓线的远程绘制中较好地保留了模型的细节特征,并保证了在移动终端的实时绘制。 Nowadays, mobile devices such as Pocket PC,PDA and Smartphone are used in Distributed Virtual Environment because of their portability and mobility. But mobile devices have their own limitations. For instance real-time rendering of 3D models on the mobile devices have not yet been satisfactorily resolved. In this paper, a new contour-based remote rendering algorithm for mobile device applications is proposed, which integrates the advantages of multi-resolution mesh and contour-based remote rendering, and can preserve the feature details of the models. At the preprocessing stage, thealgorithm extracts the feature lines from the original mesh and then preprocess for multi-resolution mesh construction; At the real-time stage, the algorithm selects the final feature lines using a selection strategy and then constructs the appropriate multi-resolution mesh according to the interaction information, such as the viewpoint and frame rate, then extracts the contour lines from this mesh. At last, it sends the selected feature lines and the contour lines to the mobile device for rendering. Experiments show that the algorithm can preserve the details well in contour-based remote rendering, and canassure the rendering to be real-time on mobile device.
出处 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期346-352,共7页 Journal of Image and Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(6087 3159 6053 3070) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0039) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2006AA01Z333)
关键词 移动终端 细节特征保留 轮廓线 多分辨率网格 mobile device, feature preserving, contour line, muhi-resolution mesh
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