
超宽带无线传感器网络性能分析 被引量:3

Performance evaluation of ultra-wideband wireless sensor networks
摘要 超宽带(UWB)无线电技术是近年来发展迅猛的新型通信方式,它无需中频和射频电路,对于减小体积和降低能耗具有特别的意义,尤其适合无线传感器网络(W SNs)。利用UWB信号的物理特性,将信道按照时间方式划分成一个个时隙作为子信道供不同的节点使用,分析了W SNs中不同子信道个数下,节点的发送概率和分组冲突概率的关系,得出了多信道方式下有利于减小分组的冲突概率的结论。 Ultra-wideband( UWB ) radio technology is a new communication mode which is developing rapidly without intermediate frequency and radio frequency circuit, as well as it has a special significance on reducing sensor's volume and loss, so it is especially suitable for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A single channel is divided into many slots as subchannels for nodes by using the physical characteristics of UWB signals. The relation of node transmission probability and packet collision probability under the different numbers of subchannels in WSNs is analyzed. This thesis points out that it is beneficial to reduce the packet collision probability under multichannel.
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期30-31,34,共3页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
关键词 超宽带 无线传感器网络 多信道 发送概率 冲突概率 ultra-wideband (UWB) wirdess sensor networks (WSNs) multi-channel transmission probability collision probability
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