urpose:To report the value of SE、Cine MRI and MRA in the diagnosis of PDA with pulmonary hypertension.Materials and Methods:Six females suspected of having PDA by Echocardiography with ages of 2.5、13、29、42、59 and 63 years old were examined on a GE Vectra 0.5T superconductive magnet system.Axial、coronal、sagittal and the long axis sections of the aorta and LV in six cases and the oblique-coronal or sagittal images in four cases were acquired with ECG-Gating SE pulse sequence,the long axis sections of the aorta and LV as well as the oblique coronal or sagittal images were obtained with 2D PC with ECG-gating in all six cases and 3D PC MRA images were acquired in four cases simultaneously.Results:In the six surgical or angiography-proven PDA cases,no positive one could be directly shown on axial SE T1WI,four were shown on oblique-coronal SE T1WI,five were demonstrated by Cine MRI,all six cases were displayed by 2D/3D PC MRA.The associated pulmonary artery hypertension in five cases was shown well by SE and better by Cine MRI technique.The associated aortic valve regurgitation in four cases and the mitral valve regurgitation in two cases were demonstrated well by Cine MRI.Conclusion:Our preliminary experiences showed that oblique-coronal SE T1WI、Cine MRI and PC MRA could be very useful in the direct demonstration of PDA and its associated pulmonary artery hypertension.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging