

An algorithm for solving self-interference in WLAN/WPANs
摘要 提出分布式动态信道分配算法(DDCAA),该方法能在高密度WLAN/WPAN环境下大大提高每个用户的吞吐量,尤其在变化的不均匀的通信量条件下,解决由于有限的信道所带来的自身干扰问题.仿真表明:给定任意的通信负载分布及原始信道分配,算法会快速收敛到平衡状态,整个网络的吞吐量得到了很大的提高.该算法能够根据信道的使用状态自适应的改变算法启动门限,并且只通过AP自身完成动态信道分配算法,真正解决了高密度WLAN/WPAN环境下的自身干扰问题,简单有效并有很高的实用价值. A distributed dynamic channel allocation algorithm (DDCAA) is pressented, which can improve per-user throughput significantly in dense WLAN/WPANs. It can solve self-interference problems caused by the deficiency of communication channels, particularly for nonuniform traffic conditions. From simulation re- suits we can see that, given any traffic load distribution and any initial channel allocation, the algorithm can converge to an equilibrium state in a short time, and the overall throughput of the network is significantly improved. The proposed algorithm can change its threshold self-adaptively and has significant practical value due to its simplicity and effectiveness.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期174-177,共4页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60671061) 中央民族大学青年基金资助项目(cun0220)
关键词 分布式动态信道分配算法 自身干扰 吞吐量 信道质量 DDCAA self-interference throughput channel quality
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