针对模具设计需大量重复使用标准件的特点,以VB为开发工具,对三维CAD软件Solid Edge进行二次开发,开发出了冲模标准件库系统,使标准件的调用实现自动化,减少了设计中大量重复性工作,简化了设计,提高了效率。研究证明,使用VB编程技术操纵Solid Edge变量表建立标准件库的方法是可行的,开发的冲模标准件库系统不再仅仅局限于某个零件,还可扩展到装配体,为复杂模具标准件库系统的开发提供了思路,研究成果对建立相关行业标准件库有一定指导意义。
This paper describes how to use VB as the development tool to design and develop standard components library of punch die for three-dimension software Solid Edge. It makes using standard components automation and reduces many repeating work in the design. And it simplifies the design and improves the efficiency. This research shows that it is feasible to develop standard components library by using VB to control the variable table of Solid Edge. The standard components library system for punch die can applicable to not only some single component but also assembled parts. It provides the way to develop the complex standard components library system for die.
Die & Mould Industry