
基于径向基函数的单级插值隐式曲面重构 被引量:2

Reconstruction of Single Level Interpolation Implicit Surfaces Based on RBF
摘要 研究基于径向基函数单级插值隐式曲面重构问题,探讨基于标准紧支撑径向基函数和变形径向基函数插值的参数求解过程。实验结果表明,该方法能有效地构造隐式曲面,并且插值过程相当快。 Explores the problem of implicit surfaces reconstruction based on radial basis function single level interpolation, and explores the solving process of interpolation parameters based on CSRBF and deformation RBF. The experimental results show the approach is efficient in implicit surfaces reconstruction, and the interpolation process is fairly quickly.
作者 罗才华 周燕
出处 《现代计算机》 2009年第1期43-45,69,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 径向基函数(RBF) 隐式曲面 插值 紧支撑径向基函数 Radial Basis Function(RBF) Implicit Surfaces Interpolation Compactly Supported RadialBasis Function
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