

Study on Viscosity of Immiscible Liquid Bi_(60)Ga_(40) Alloy
摘要 通过对Bi60Ga40合金熔体的黏度的系统测量和分析,研究了Bi60Ga40合金熔体的黏度随温度变化的规律和熔体结构的变化。结果表明,Bi60Ga40合金熔体的黏度随温度的变化呈明显的不连续性,根据黏度的变化可以将熔体状态分为高温区、中温区和低温区,各温区间存在黏度突变温度区间。DSC进一步验证了Bi60Ga40熔体在620~650℃之间发生了结构突变,在260~290℃之间由于液-液相分离引起了结构突变。文中对试验结果进行了讨论。 The temperature dependence of viscosity of liquid Bi60Ga40 alloy has been measured using torsional oscillation viscosity measurement. The results show that the change of viscosity with temperature is distinctly discontinuous, which can be divided into three parts: the changes in high temperature region, mid-temperature region, as well as low temperature region. In these different regions, the structures of melt are distinct. The appearance of exothermic peaks on DSC curve during cooling process further proved the structure changes of melt in 620-650℃. The liquid-liquid phase separation is naturally accompanied with structure change of melt in 260-290 ℃, which is also reflected by the discontinuous change of viscosity and DSC analysis.
出处 《铸造》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期113-116,共4页 Foundry
基金 国家自然科学基金(50371047,50871047) 山东省自然科学基金(Y2006F55) 山东省重点学科基金项目资助。
关键词 Bi60Ga40合金 黏度 液-液相分离 熔体结构 Bi60Ga40 alloy viscosity liquid-liquid phase segregation melt structure
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