Objectives:To study the changes of free radicals and immunity in hepatocellular cancer patients.Materials and Methods:30 patients with hepatocellular cancer(16 men and 14 women),30 normal cases(16 men and 14 women)and 30 patients with benign hepatocellular disease (16 men and 14 women)were taken as the control groups.The serum sIL-2R receptor levels were measured with ELISA.The activities of IL-2 and SOD,T cell subsets and the levels of LPO were measured simultaneously.Results:⑴The IL-2,SOD,CD3,CD4 and CD4/CD8 ratio were significantly lower,the sIL-2R,CD8 and LPO were markedly higher in cancer group than in normal and benign group.There were no significant difference between the normal group and the benign group ;⑵the levels of LPO were negatively related to SOD and IL-2 (γ=-004,P<005;γ=-0785,P<005)。The levels of sIL-2R were negatively related to IL-2 (γ=-041,P<005)。Conclusion:It is necessary to scavenge the free radicals and improve the immunity in the prevention and treatment of hepatocellular cancer.
Hepatocellular cancer Free radicals IL-2 and sIL-2R T cell Subsets