A biped walking robot should be able to keep balance even in the presence of disturbing forces. This paper presents a step strategy concept of biped walking robot that is stabilized by using reaction null space method. The called "step strategy" can be modeled by means of the reaction null space method that introduced earlier to tackle dynamic interaction problems of free-floating robots, or moving base robots in general. 6-DOF biped robot model simulations are used to confirm the validity.
A biped walking robot should be able to keep balance even in the presence of disturbing forces. This paper presents a step strategy concept of biped walking robot that is stabilized by using reaction null space method. The called "step strategy" can be modeled by means of the reaction null space method that introduced earlier to tackle dynamic interaction problems of free-floating robots, or moving base robots in general. 6-DOF biped robot model simulations are used to confirm the validity.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50675016)
the Science and Technology Innovation Fund for the Doctor (No.48030)