研究一种制作在集成电路压焊点金属下面的以二极管为基本单元的静电放电保护结构。这样减小了为制作静电保护电路而消耗的面积。这种结构用金球或铝楔入压焊的方法。用三层或四层金属 CMOS 工艺制成。压焊后目检没发现不正常现象,电测试也没发现ESD 所造成的失效,这种结构通过了产品质量等级测试。
We have developed a configuration for diode-based electrostatic discharge structures that can be reliably placed under integrated circuit wire bonding pad, thereby reducing the die area consumed for ESD. Prototype structures from both three-and four-level CMOS processes were assembled using gold ball and aluminum wedge bonding, respectively. Visual inspections after bonding found nothing that would compromise the integrity of the structure Electrical tests found no failures from the ESD structure placement. Structures pass full product-level qualification procedures.
Information Technology & Standardization