Ikeda Daisaku researches the scientific culture deeply in the views of scientific sociology. He thinks science being a knowledge system with rational method. Science and technology is a double - edged sword. On one hand, it can be used and made service for the happiness of human being, on the other hand, it can also bring many kinds of crisis. There are mutually benefit between science and humane. Modem soci- ety can not deviate from science. But religion should have the effect in leading civilization of science and technology. In solving the problems of modem society, scientific culture have its own usages. But the essen- tial is still in the religious ideal named" yi - zheng - bu - er". He has made a lot of views that set people thinking in how to develop science and culture better for modem east society. Ikeda Daisaku's thoughts of science and technology is a deputy view and attitude of the east thinking society to west scientific euhure.
Journal of Jiaying University
Ikeda Daisaku
The scientific and technological thoughts
Double -edged sword