

Behind huge losses of China Peace Insurance Company in foreign market
摘要 在华尔街危机像病毒一样到处蔓延的时期,关于中国企业要不要走出去的话题很容易就聚焦在了中国平安身上——中国平安投资富通集团的失败,对于渴望走向海外的中国企业来说。 With Wall Street crisis spreading globally like virus, the discussion of advantages and disadvantages for Chinese enterprises to go abroad naturally leads to China Peace Insurance Company's failure in its investment in Fortis Group.For every Chinese company eager to set foot on foreign market,the huge loss of Peace Insurance is an alerting lesson not to be ignored by any means.
作者 王磊磊
出处 《法人》 2008年第11期52-54,96,共3页 Faren Magazine
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