本文汇录了吉林省白粉属的20个种;其中9个种为吉林省新记录种,即:毛莨耧斗菜白粉菌Erysiphe aquilegiae DC.var.ranunculi(Grev) zheng & Chen:斑氏白粉菌E.bunkiniana Braun;旋花白粉菌E.convolvuli DC.var.convolvuli;琉璃草白粉菌E.cynoglossi(Wallr)Braun;大豆白粉菌E.glycines Tai var.glycines Zheng;胡枝子白粉菌E.glycines Tai var.lespedezae(zheng& Braun) in Braun ;粗壮白粉菌E.robusta Zheng &Chen;南芥白粉菌E.arabidis Zheng & Chen和景天白粉菌E.sedi Braun.前7个种同时是东北地区的新记录种,有15个寄主植物为首次报道.对吉林省新记录种均有较详细的描述并附有插图和简要讨论。
This paper reports on the twenty species of Erisiphe from Jilin Province, of which nine are new recosds in Jilin Province, i.e. Erysi-phe aquilegiae DC. var. ranunculi (Grev.) Zhang & Chen; E. bunkiniana Braun; E. convolvuli DC. var. convolvuti; E. cynoglossi (Wallr.) Braun; E. glycines Tai var. glycines Zheng ; E. glycines Tai var. lespedezae (Zheng & Braun) Braun & Zheng; E. robusta Zheng & Chen; E. ara-bidis Zheng & Chen and E. sedi Braun. The first reven are also new in Northeast China. And fifteen of the host plants are also newly reported in China. In this paper the detailed descriptions and pictures of the nine new records are given.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University