
美国教师教育专业的宏观结构分析 被引量:2

The Macro-Structures of Teacher Education Programs in USA
摘要 随着美国教师教育大学化、专业化以及解制等改革运动的发展,美国教师教育专业形成了6种时间与学位结构:"分离型"或"整合型"4年制、"分离型"或"整合型"5年制、"分离型"6年制、替代性模式。为适应美国公立学校系统的组织结构和州政府的教师执照制度结构,美国教师教育专业设置了4种任教学段结构:幼儿教育、初等教育、中等教育和全年级教育等。中等教育和全年级教育专业根据教学科目进一步分化出不同的任教学科结构。 With the development of teacher education reforms like universitization, professionalization and deregulation in the USA, 6 types of time and degree structures of teacher education programs were established:separated 4-year model, integrated 4-year model, separated 5-year model, integrated 5-year model, separated 6-year model and alternative model as well. In order to adapt to the public school system and state teacher license acquirements, 4 kinds of school level structures of teacher education programs were set up: early childhood education, primary education, secondary education and all-grade education. In the secondary and all-grade education, the programs were also divided by subjects.
作者 周钧 李小薇
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期76-80,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目<我国教师教育专业设置和学位制度研究>(项目批准号06JA88007) 中国高等教育学会"十一五"教育科学研究规划课题<我国教师教育学位体系研究>(项目批准号06AIJ0010049)的阶段成果
关键词 教师教育专业 宏观结构 时间与学位结构 任教学段与任教学科结构 teacher education teacher education programs Macro-Structures time and degree structures school level and subject structures
  • 相关文献


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