
美全国教育进展评估述评 被引量:1

The Latest Development of American National Assessment of Educational Progress
摘要 为了了解全美中小学生在核心课程中的学习成绩,美国建立了全国教育进展评估。本文将就全国教育进展评估建立的背景及发展历程、全国教育进展评估的数学和阅读评估框架、2007年最新评估结果以及这一评估项目的成绩和问题展开论述。 In order to be informed of national primary and secondary students achievements in the core cur-riculums, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)was established in America. This article discusses the background of NAEP and its development course, its mathematics and reading assessment framework, results of 2007 assessment, as well as its strengths and problems.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期58-62,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 全国教育进展评估 评估框架 成绩等级 评估结果 NAEP assessment framework achievement level assessment results
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  • 1Kadriya Salimova and Nan L.Dodde.Intemational Handbook on History of Education.Orbita-M 2000.p540.
  • 2Mathematics Framework for the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress. [ EB/OL ] http://nagb.org/frameworks/math07.pdf.
  • 3Reading Framework for the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress. [ EB/OL ] http ://nagb. org/frameworks/ reading07.pdf.
  • 4The Nations Report Card Mathematics 2007-National Assessment of Educational Progress at Grades 4 and 8. [EB/OL] http://nationsreportcard.gov/math2007.
  • 5The Nations Report Card Reading 2007-National Assessment of Educational Progress at Grades 4 and 8. [EB/OL] http://nationsreportcard.gov/reading2007.
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