福建沙县湖源乡位处北纬26°15′,东经117°32′海拔310米。年平均气温15.98℃,降雨量1836.4mm,日照时数384.1小时,无霜期234天。属亚热带季风气候,植被为常绿阔叶林。在该处200年生大叶女贞(Ligustium Lucidum Ait.)树上发现白蜡虫自然种群。据测定,白蜡虫雌虫虫体长0.80mm,宽10.90mm,高8.60mm。蜡花厚度平均6.65mm,其虫囊大小及蜡花厚度均接近全国主要蜡区水平。湖源白蜡虫自然种群的发现,证实了《农政全书》有关福建白蜡虫分布的记载,表明闽北山区自然条件适合发展白蜡生产。
Huyuan Village of Fuian saxian is located at 26 degrees 15 minutes north latitude, 117 degrees 32 minutes east longitude with an elevation of 810 metres.As it has an annual average atmospheric temperature 15.98 degrees centigrade, with rainfall 1836.4 millimetres, sunshine time 884.1 hours and non-frost season 234 days, it belongs to subtropical monsoon climate. The vegetation is evergreen broad leavedwoodland. It is here that we have found the white wax insect species in the two-hundted years old Ligustrium Lucidum Ait trees.By determing, female cyst of white was insect is 10.80 millimetres long, 10.90 millimetres wide and 8.60 millimetres high. The average thickness of wax petal is 6.65 millimetres. Its size and thickness are approximate to the level of main wax regions in our country. The discovery of white wax insect species in Huwnan confirms the record about about the distribution of Fujian white wax insect in the Complete Works of Agriculture and systrrn . And it shows clearly thas natural
cottions in the north mountain area of Fujian is suitable to the development of the white wax production.
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
white wax insect, ligustrium lucidum ait, natural species, Fujian saxian